Dairy Wheat and Gluten Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Today you are 1 year and 1 day old and last night you screamed ALL NIGHT LONG your nose ears and eyes have started running and your 2 front teeth are also almost through and this all after you finished your antibiotics on friday so I just dont know what to do anymore. Are you all passing along your symptoms at creche during lunch heheh. So Im going back to good old Isomil and cutting wheat, dairy and gluten out of your diet, we know you have allergies from your stay in hospital but when they tested for Wheat, Soya and Milk they didnt take the test correctly so we never got to find out and because its such a traumatic test (they take blood out your neck as your arms dont have visible veins) I dont feel I can do this to you again so Im going to just do it and see if it makes a difference. I have just got back from woolies and bought you every soya gluten free product they own so lets hope this works, Im feeling so positive that next week you will be snot and crying free and Im going to put you down at 8pm and you are going to wake up at 6am - hows that for positive thinking!!