We are 8 weeks and 4 days pregnant!!

Well I can officially make an announcement that we are 8 weeks pregnant, I know we are supposed to only really make it official at 12 weeks but I just cant keep it to myself. We went for our first scan yesterday afternoon and we were so nervous and worried that there would be some bad news. The Dr was convinced there were twins and I wish you could have seen Dales face he was speechless and pale for about 10 minutes until the Dr then confirmed it was one little bean. The bean is 2cm big already and has a very strong heartbeat, I cant tell you the relief and joy, estimated due date is the 16 July 2009!! Unfortunately I also have flu now so going to take it easy as there is not much I can take now for flu boo hoo. We havent really heard much regarding Sofia and dont want to bug Chiara and Grant but last we heard from Aunty Anne is that the paediatrician and the neurosurgeon were sure that there will be no complications so thats great news and I just know that Sofia is going to be home any day now!!

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