Yay - onto the next stage

Well after a hectic few days of suffering with a nasty stomach bug, I had to run back to Dr Markram as I thought I was having a strange reaction to the Provera but he confirmed that I had gastro and gave me a script of antibiotics and other medicine to take, I finally started feeling better yipeeeeeeee lets hope this bug is gone now for once and for all!!

So the last few days was also a bit of a hurry up and wait as we didnt know now if the Provera would work after all the anti biotics, I also broke out into a strange rash all over my body so once again I was at Dr Makram haha I guess we both ended up having a bit of a laugh - typical for me I can do nothing without a bit of drama. The rash was an allergic reaction to the antibiotics.

But yessssssss the Provera finally worked, Im so happy as this means I wont have to do another round of the hormones and we can start the next steps, I have to fast for 16 hours as from 4pm today and then tomorrow morning I can do the blood tests to test my insulin levels to see if I am producing enough hormones to ovulate this will also determine if I need to start Clomid or If I need to get the hormonal injections....... so wish me luck again.

Dale arrives this afternoon from Senegal so happy hes been away for the last few days but luckily Tamsyn has been baby sitting me - Tomorrow we off to Sun City with Ivan, Tamsyn and Marcelle so thats going to be amazing as I LOVE SUN CITY!! Anyway off to the Rekord Newspapers Womens Day breakfast should be intresting.. well I hope it is : )

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