First Cycle
Feeling extremely tired today after having dinner at my folks last night for my Dads birthday. Dale and my dad got stuck into a bottle of whiskey so it was a bit of a late evening ; )
Okay so I picked up my script yesterday, and with the Dr it has been decided that I should start the fertility treatment right away so I am currently on day 2 of 5 - shoo very quick hey!!
I have been doing so much reading on the net and the success rate is so high most women fall pregnant after round 1 and if not then most fall pregnant after round 3 so this has made me sooo excited. Please pray that this works after 3 rounds as after that the next option is IVF and thats really quite a mission, but Im sooo positive its going to work!!
Some Infertility lingo:
2WW = 2-Week Wait, tww
AF = Aunt Flo
AH, AZH = Assisted Hatching
AO = Anovulation
BA = Baby Aspirin
BBT = Basal Body Temperature
BD = Baby Dance
BFN = Big Fat Negative
BFP = Big Fat Positive!
C# = Cycle Number
CD = Cycle Day
DH = Darling (Dear) Husband
DPO = Days Post-Ovulation
DPC = Days Since Last Clomid pill was taken
DPR = Days Post-Retrieval
DPT = Days Post-Transfer
Dx = Diagnosis
EDD = Estimated Due Date
FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone lpingogram
IVF = In Vitro Fertilization
LH = Luteinizing Hormone
Special prayers for Deqlan for his tests tomorrow, just know its all going to be good : )
Okay so I picked up my script yesterday, and with the Dr it has been decided that I should start the fertility treatment right away so I am currently on day 2 of 5 - shoo very quick hey!!
I have been doing so much reading on the net and the success rate is so high most women fall pregnant after round 1 and if not then most fall pregnant after round 3 so this has made me sooo excited. Please pray that this works after 3 rounds as after that the next option is IVF and thats really quite a mission, but Im sooo positive its going to work!!
Some Infertility lingo:
2WW = 2-Week Wait, tww
AF = Aunt Flo
AH, AZH = Assisted Hatching
AO = Anovulation
BA = Baby Aspirin
BBT = Basal Body Temperature
BD = Baby Dance
BFN = Big Fat Negative
BFP = Big Fat Positive!
C# = Cycle Number
CD = Cycle Day
DH = Darling (Dear) Husband
DPO = Days Post-Ovulation
DPC = Days Since Last Clomid pill was taken
DPR = Days Post-Retrieval
DPT = Days Post-Transfer
Dx = Diagnosis
EDD = Estimated Due Date
FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone lpingogram
IVF = In Vitro Fertilization
LH = Luteinizing Hormone
Special prayers for Deqlan for his tests tomorrow, just know its all going to be good : )