8 Months and stilll nuffing : (
I will just never get used to the feeling of jealousy I get when I read or see that another friend, enemy, ANYONE is pregnant.
But, I guess there is a reason for everything, Anyway, I am usually not at peace about waiting and used to getting my own way hehe which is making this more frustrating, but at least I know there is an end in sight- it will happen and then I can put all this behind me- somewhat.
I pray everyday for peace for those who are battling infertility even though I have only been feeling like this for a few months after doing some research and reading other blogs I realise how long this wait can actually get and how long some people have been trying.
Finished my first round of hormones which seems to have worked so should hopefully be getting some positive results soooooooooon : )
But, I guess there is a reason for everything, Anyway, I am usually not at peace about waiting and used to getting my own way hehe which is making this more frustrating, but at least I know there is an end in sight- it will happen and then I can put all this behind me- somewhat.
I pray everyday for peace for those who are battling infertility even though I have only been feeling like this for a few months after doing some research and reading other blogs I realise how long this wait can actually get and how long some people have been trying.
Finished my first round of hormones which seems to have worked so should hopefully be getting some positive results soooooooooon : )